Dec 3
It’s Giving Tuesday! So- for us, that means giving back to our
community. We believe that charity and giving back don’t just
have their place during certain times of the year. We work
year-round to be a business that both supports its community and
creates positive change. We are proud to do our par...Read more
It’s Giving Tuesday! So- for us, that means giving back to our
community. We believe that charity and giving back don’t just
have their place during certain times of the year. We work
year-round to be a business that both supports its community and
creates positive change. We are proud to do our part. We will be
donating a portion of today’s sales to the Giving World
Foundation, whose supporting charities work to improve the
quality of life for women and children in our community in
India. Your purchase of something beautiful today will have a
greater impact on the world of tomorrow. +PLUS A Little
Something for YOU this Giving Tuesday! Use code GIVING24 at
checkout to receive a free jewelry pouch with your purchase*!
Here are some of the organizations we have donated to this year:
-BeLoved Asheville @belovedasheville -Doctors Without Borders
@doctorswithoutborders -Magicians Without Borders
@magicianswithoutborders -Steps to End Domestic Violence, VT
@stepsvt -Department of Children and Families, VT
-Sustainability Academy, VT @sustainabilityacademybsd -KidsSafe
Collaborative, VT @kidsafevt -Home Health Care & Hospice in
Keene, NH -Maple Ridge School Council in Ottawa -Vermont Youth
Orchestra @vyoaorg -Camp Kesem, NC @campkesem_nc -Lake Champlain
Waldorf School, VT @lakechamplainwaldorf -Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, VT
@camptakumta -Partners in Adventure, VT @partnersinadventurevt
-Elephant Nature Park @elephantnaturepark -King Street Youth
Center, VT @kingstreetcenter -Spectrum Youth & Family
Services, VT @spectrumvt -Howard Center, VT @howardcentervt
-Young Writer’s Project @ywpvermont -Greater Burlington YMCA
@gbymca -Flynn Theater, VT The Giving World is a registered
501(c)(3) foundation that supports charitable projects in India
and the US. The mission is to give a hand up to people in need.
Through the Concern India Foundation and other charitable
partners, the Giving World directs funds to help the
disadvantaged in India, as well as respond to challenges of the
hour. They specifically target funds to programs that support
women and children. We strongly believe that educating mothers
and their children ultimately influences the entire family, thus
elevating their overall quality of life. Knowledge is power, and
basic issues such as sanitation, health, nutrition, family
planning, and economic welfare are important supports for people
in need. Ultimately, these projects create small impacts on the
greater global community and support our vision of using our
business as a vehicle for positive change. Please consider
donating locally or to the Giving World if you have the means.
*Excludes Giving World donations and digital gift card
purchases. One gift with purchase per customer. Cannot be
combined with other offers. Prints chosen at random. Valid only
on 12/3/2024 through 11:59pm. While supplies last